In order to know about BioLite, first get to know that energy sits at the center of our lives, keeping us safe, productive, and comfortable. Energy improves health, combats climate change, enables communication and education, generates income, and empowers all people. Creating access for a growing world population has become one of the biggest opportunities of our time. Nearly half the planet lacks clean, affordable household energy, cooking meals on smoky open fires, and having little or no electricity in their homes.
Together, BioLite and 843 Solar have set out on a mission to provide less fortunate families around the globe with products designed to cook, charge, and light off-grid homes. Using BioLite’s innovative technologies and their distribution networks around the globe, we are able to impact families that traditional supply chain models can’t.
causes over 4 million deaths per year, according to the World Health Organization. Conditions like heart disease and COPD are directly linked to the toxic smoke inhaled by the billions of people still cooking over biomass fires.
These open fires also release significant amounts of CO2 and produce a staggering 25% of global black carbon emissions. This is more than all the world’s cars and trucks combined.
For every solar system that 834 Solar installs, we will provide fives families with off-grid power and cooking solutions.
BioLite creates affordable, durable products designed to cook, charge, and light off-grid households by harnessing surrounding energy.
See our impact to date: